Jan 22, 2025
CPE/BC Mer et Mousse
02, Rue Pointe-Lazy C.P. 309 Lourdes-de-Blanc-Sablon (Qc) G0G 1W0
Téléphone : (418) 461-2525 / Télécopieur : (418) 461-2550
Courriel : cpemermousse@globetrotter.net
Invitation to attend the 2023-2024 annual general assembly
Date: January 27th 2025
Location: Mgr Scheffer school, Room 15 (upstairs)
Time: 7 pm
Proposed agenda
1. Verification of quorum et opening of the annual general assembly;
2. Reading and adoption of the agenda;
3. Presentation of fiscal report 2023-2024, completed by Mr. Guillaume Claveau, CPA auditeur, CGA;
4. Reading and adoption of the minutes from the previous AGA, dated February 1st 2024;
5. Presentation of 2023-2024 Activity Report
6. Nomination of auditor for upcoming financial audits 2025, 2026, 2027
7. Ratification/Rejection of newly adopted policies (See note below)
8. Election of administrators for Boards of directors Members elected at the AGA
- 1 parent user of CPE/BC services
The executive mandates will be determined among elected administrators during the first regular sitting following the AGA.
9. Closing of the meeting.
Note : The newly adopted policies by the Board of directors are available for consultation at the CPE Mer et Mousse. TEAMS meeting is also available for those unable to attend in person. If you wish to participate, please send your email address to Caroline Cooper, general director, before 12h00 (noon) on January 27th 2025.