LOCAL NEWS - April 1, 2021: NORTH SHORE – Free Security training for fishermen being offered in the coming months, sign up now!
CFBS was speaking withGeneviève Gélinas, from the Fisheries Workforce Sectoral Committee, to talk about the free training being offered on the maritime safety management system. The training will be offered this summer, but captains interested must sign up soon to take advantage of this training opportunity for themselves, and their crew members on their vessels. For those who would like the training in English, an interpreter will be provided as well at no charge. This new fishing vessel safety requirement was put in place by Transport Canada since 2017 for owners or operators of a fishing vessel.
You can register for this free safety training by calling Geneviève Gélinas (418)-361-2626, or by email to formation@pechesmaritimes.org
Abbygail Wellman
CFBS Journalist